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zondag 24 maart 2013

Emotional over onions

IKARIA - Coming home from an errand, I found a plastic bag hanging at my door: full of ‘green stuff’.
‘What the F* is this?’ (first thought)
‘Who put this bag at my door? A friend? A neighbour?’ (second thought)
I opened the bag to smell what kind of plant was inside: onion!
‘What to do with this? Eat it? Plant it? First option: easy. Second option: I haven’t got a clue how to do this.’ (third thought)

And then, in this sudden moment that always comes unexpected, this moment in which you turn inwards and silent, the one-second-moment ‘after’ the thoughts, an enormous ‘thank you’ rose upwards from somewhere down in my chest:
‘Thank you to whomever. This is a brilliant ‘welcome home’.
(and yes, I will do my best to learn how to plant onions)

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