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donderdag 14 april 2011

Sunrise and chicken shit

Some photos to show you the beauty of a morning sunrise. Today I got up at 4.30 a.m. to drive to the 'Dieng Plateau' in Java, from where you can have a magnificent sunrise... if there aren't any clouds, of course.
But hey, who's complaining? Clouds have their beauty as well, no?

cloudy sunrise

misty mountain
And while I was waiting patiently for the sun to rise, the local villagers were getting ready for a long and hard working day.
Javanese families usually get up around 4.30 for morning prayers. After that, they prepare their children for school (starts at 7 a.m.). But the farmers, and especially their wives, get up earlier, to go and sell their goods in the morning market (3 a.m. - 7 a.m.). So this means that cities literally never sleep, and roads are never empty. Dozens of horse carriots, bicycles, motorbikes, cars and tractors run you over any time of the night:-)

Ever had the honour to carry loads and loads of fertilizer (read: stinky chicken shit) or 100kg of potatoes up the mountains? Look at the shoulders of the man in the picture and be amazed.

chicken shit in these bags
strong shoulders

a city that never sleeps

two colorful morning beauties

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