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dinsdag 19 april 2011

10-day meditation retreat

For the next 10 days or so, I’ll be offline. No mobile phone, no internet, no communication whatsoever. Total silence. Ten hours of meditation a day, meaning painful knees, aching back and headaches (because of thoughts refusing to surrender). I'll send tons of love to you all! 

The poet Lord A. Tennyson (1809-1892) knew about meditation long before my time. He said that 'the meditative state is utterly beyond words', but yet Tennyson was not afraid to try to explain this state in a poem. Not an easy read, but I think it says it all.

‘For more than once when I sat alone,
Revolving in myself
That word which is the symbol of myself,
The mortal limit of Self was loosed,
And past into the Nameless, as a cloud
Melts into Heaven. I touched my limbs,
The limbs were strange, not mine
And yet no shadow of doubt,
But utter clearness, and through loss of Self
The Gain of such large life as matched with ours
Were Sun to spark, unshadowable in words,
Themselves but shadows of a shadow-world.’

Lord Alfred Tennyson

‘Wherever there is the body, there is space. Because space makes way for the body.' (Vyasa)

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