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donderdag 11 april 2013

Am I really too sensitive?

Today I went running and suddenly I saw a little toad in the middle of the road. Blood was running out of its mouth. It was dying. I think it had been hit by a car just a few minutes before.
I picked it up and put it in the grass. I decided to sit next to it, so that it would not have to die alone. I started talking to this little animal, carefully stroking it's head: 'Please, don't die. I hope you are not in pain, oh I am so sorry for you ...' And many things more. All the time the animal was looking at me, as if it could understand what I was saying. It tried to move it's legs, but it could not anymore ...
Then totally by surprise I started crying! I felt sooooo sad for this little toad! After 10 minutes or so, the eyes of the little toad being closed now, I got up and started running again ... feeling a little ashamed about this explosion of tears... thinking: 'Am I really getting too sensitive??'

2 opmerkingen:

  1. If you should ask yourself the same question, sitting next to a dying cockroach, you 'might' be a little bit too sensitive. But at the end, it's a living creature, so your sweet emotional reaction should be an example to a lot of people. The world would look a lot more romantic ...

    1. I doubt the same thing would happen next to a dying cockroach ... I'd rather NOT meet a dying one, especially not a CRUSHED one ... it seems that crushed cockroaches produce 101 tiny little cockroaches! So please don't step on one! (kill one, and you'll get 101 in return!)
