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zondag 19 juni 2011

Don't worry, I'm happy in Italy

a bow from Roma
My last piece of writing dates back from the end of May! Shame on me. But lately I didn't find the time to write. Loads and loads of ideas, though. Maybe too many. You'll read more soon.
I spent the past 3 weeks in Italy, going from middle to north and south, sharing beds and houses and food with the most interesting strangers, exchanging old stories and making up new ones.

These few words just to say that I'm fine, happily&merrily travelling, mending body and soul. I don't know when I'll return to Belgium. Maybe at the end of June, maybe in July. Nothing is sure. Everything is in motion. I'm busy doing all kinds of things I've never done before. And I move wherever the wind takes me.

In the pictures below you see me doing voluntary work in the kitchen of a meditation centre, Dhamma Atala, Italy. Ten days of hard work, from morning 5.30 till 9 at night. But worthwhile, every minute of it. I took the challenge to bake cakes for 80 students/meditators ... and the result was delicious, to say the least.

Peeling apples for a yoghurtcake

My first cake: carrot&ginger

my 3rd and final cake: chocolate&banana